


公益財団法人 矢崎科学技術振興記念財団


(PIIF) Yazaki Memorial Foundation for Science and Technology has provided grants to 715 researchers under this program since its establishment in 1982, with the aim of contributing to the promotion of science and technology in Japan. We are pleased to announce the following information for this year.

Types of research grants, subject areas, grant details


 Grants will be awarded to research that is original and whose results are expected to make a significant contribution to the advancement of science and technology.
The following two types of grants are available according to grant period and grant amount.
(1)General Research Grant(Fields related to “Materials”, “Devices”, “Information Technology”, “Energy”, “Environment” and “Bioscience”)
The grant period is one year and the grant amount is 2 million yen or less, no age limit.
Applicants must be researchers in a leading position in the research they are applying for.
(2)Incentive Research Grant(Fields related to “Materials”, “Devices”, “Information Technology”, “Energy”, “Environment” and “Bioscience”)
Grants of 1 million yen or less for one year to young researchers (under 35 years old as of March 31, 2025).

Research institutions: Colleges of technology (kōsen), colleges, universities, graduate schools, university affiliated research institutes, public testing/research laboratories, and other research institutions approved by the Foundation.



1) Applicants must be researchers (excluding students and graduate students) with an employment contract in Japanese research institutions※. Applicants must have been recommended by the head of the research institution to which they belong.
Research institutions: Colleges of technology (kōsen), colleges, universities, graduate schools, university affiliated research institutes, public testing/research laboratories, and other research institutions approved by the Foundation.
2) Researchers who have received a grant from the Foundation in the past are not eligible to apply (for a grant) for three years from the fiscal year in which they received the grant. In addition, an applicant may only apply for one research grant project sponsored by the Foundation in the same year, regardless of whether it is a general, incentive, or specific grant.
3) Unless otherwise approved by the Foundation, researchers who receive a grant must continue their research on the topic for which they applied during the grant period. The applicant‘s eligibility will be suspended for a certain period of time for those who have misused, fraudulently received, or committed misconduct, in addition, research proposals that have been found to have been misused, fraudulently received, or committed misconduct may be required to refund all or part of the grant.
  Researchers selected for research grants are required to submit the attached pledge letter.


2024年6月1日から同年8月31日17時まで ※期間内必着とします
From June 1 to August 31, 5:00 p.m ※deadline strictly enforced

How to Apply

註: 研究機関名は、正式名称を記入してください。

Please fill out the “registration form” on the “researchers-only website” of the Foundation’s website, set your ID and password, and then submit your application on the researchers-only website.
After registered application details on the application form, a PDF document containing the “Letter of Recommendation” and “Application Confirmation Form” will be automatically sent to your registered email address.
(Please read the notes in the application form before filling out the form)
After filling in the required fields and affixing seal or signature (the seal must be the recommendation seal of the research institution), please convert the “Application Confirmation Form”, “Application Form”, “Letter of Recommendation” and “one Paper” into a PDF file for submission without setting the security function, and attach them to the researcher’s website by the deadline.
Please note that all submitted materials will not be returned.
After the registration is completed, the Foundation will send an email notification of the completion of the procedure.

Note: Please fill in the exact official name of the research institution.



The Selection Committee of the Foundation will make the selection and the Board of Directors will make the decision. Notification of acceptance or rejection will be sent to the recommender(★research institution) by the end of January, 2025. As a general rule, only one grant will be awarded for each type of research grant for a single research institution.

Grant Award


The date is scheduled for March 6, 2025. Recipients will be asked to attend the presentation ceremony.

Grant Report

助成期間終了後1ヶ月以内に研究終了報告書(指定用紙)を提出していただきます。この資料内容を研究成果報告書として矢崎科学技術振興記念財団のホームページで紹介するなど、当財団の説明資料として使うことがありますが、学術文献としての扱いは行いません。研究成果報告書の内容に未公開の知見が含まれるなど、公開に差し障りがある場合には、公開内容について当財団にご相談下さい。研究成果は学術論文などとして外部発表していただくことを期待しています。発表論文に「本研究(の一部)は矢崎財団(Yazaki Memorial Foundation for Science and Technology)の支援を受けた」旨の記載をお願いしています。

The researcher (★recipient) is required to submit a research completion report (designated form) within one month after the end of the grant period. The contents of this report may be used as explanatory material for the Foundation, such as a report of research results on the Yazaki Memorial Foundation for Science and Technology website, but will not be treated as academic literature. In case there are concerns about the publication of research results reports, such as the inclusion of unpublished findings, please consult with the Foundation regarding the contents to be published. The Foundation expects researchers to publish their research results in academic papers for external presentation. The Foundation requests that researchers state in their publications that ” (part of) this research was supported by Yazaki Memorial Foundation for Science and Technology”.
Researchers whose planned research is not expected to be completed within the grant period may extend the submission of the “research completion report” by one year. Please fill out the “application for extension of grant period”and submit it to the Foundation office. To request an application form, please contact the Foundation office by phone or email.

Other Information

1) 財団が本件助成・援助・表彰に関して取得する個人情報は、選考作業等本申請に関する業務に必要な範囲に限定して取り扱います。
2) 研究助成期間内に研究者が異動する場合、異動先で助成対象の研究を実施する場合は研究助成金を異動先に引き継いでください。異動先で助成対象の研究を実施しない場合は、その時点の残金を矢崎科学技術振興記念財団へ返金をお願いします。
3) 矢崎学術賞対象の期間、研究助成期間終了後3年間の間に、異動となった場合は、研究者登録より異動後の所属への変更をお願いします。

1) Personal information acquired by the Foundation for the purpose of this grant, aid, or award will be handled only to the extent necessary for the screening process and other application procedures.
When a grant recipient is selected, the Foundation will make information about the recipient available to the public.
2) If a researcher is transferred within his/her institution during the research grant period and conducts the funded research in the transferred department, the research grant should also be transferred to the transferred department. Researchers who do not conduct funded research in the department to which they are transferred should refund the remaining amount to Yazaki Memorial Foundation for Science and Technology.
3) If you are transferred within your institution during the period covered by the Yazaki Academy Award (i.e., three years after the end of the research grant period), please update the details of your RESEARCHER REGISTRATION by entering the department to which you are transferred.